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HR Fern Hill’s Most Valuable Player CDX, SH, WCX, CCA, CGC

Hank is affectionate and fits in well with the rest of the pack here at home.  Hank is driven to retrieve, runs hard and loves what he does. With a strong retrieving instinct and a great capacity for concentration and learning, Hank is going to go far.  


Hank is currently working on his Master Hunter title. He  just earned his CDX title in obedience and is now working on his Utility title.  Audrey is grooming him to become our next Therapy Dog and Hospice Volunteer as he has the perfect temperament for this job.   

For Hank's pedigree and health clearances, click

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When Hank  came to live with us at 8 weeks he latched onto our 16 year old Arrow as his best buddy.  As you can see from this photo Arrow did not mind Hank's company.

® 2020 Blue Ribbon Goldens Retrievers

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